Why do men have an Adam’s apple?

Why do men have an Adam’s apple?

An Adam’s apple is a visible bulge in the front of a man’s throat caused by thickening of the thyroid cartilage, which pushes the skin forward. Adam’s apple is a secondary sex mark in men. Although the Adam’s apple is more prominent in men and is generally associated with a masculine identity, this bulge can also be seen in women. What is Adam’s apple? Most children do not have a noticeable Adam’s apple, but during puberty the larynx grows. This causes voice changes that both men and women experience. Although growth occurs in both sexes, it is more significant in men, which is why an Adam’s apple can be more easily noticed in them. The larynx (larynx) is made up of a cartilaginous skeleton with joints, muscles and a laryngeal cavity. The largest cartilage is called the thyroid cartilage. As the larynx grows during puberty, the thyroid cartilage needs room to expand, so it is pushed forward. It is this that gives the visible bulge on men’s throats. What is the function of Adam’s apple? The Adam’s apple protrusion itself serves no purpose. But the larynx, from which the Adam’s apple originates, is an important organ that helps a person breathe, swallow and speak. The larynx is so critical to speech that it is informally known as the “voice box.” There are two sets of vocal cords in the larynx, which are muscle formations that allow people to produce sound. When a person is not speaking, the vocal cords are open, allowing air to pass through the larynx without making noise. When a person wants to make a sound, the vocal cords close, forcing air to pass through them, creating vibrations and therefore sounds. However, the larynx is important not only for speech. It is crucial in helping a person swallow effectively by keeping food from entering the lungs. When a person swallows, muscles in the larynx help close the epiglottis (epiglottis), a cartilage that prevents food from entering the lungs. Bibliography: Fitzpatrick, Thomas H. and Marco A. Siccardi. Anatomy, head and neck, Adam’s apple. Healthline. Adam’s Apple: What Is It, Why Do Men Have One, and More Verywell Health. What Is an Adam’s Apple?

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