Why do women get sick so often?

Why do women get sick so often?

We live in a time where women’s diseases are more and more. Many women suffer from hormonal imbalance, cycle disorders, thyroid gland diseases, tumor growths of the female reproductive system, endometriosis, etc. What caused this? On the one hand, the environment and the way of life, the excessive pollution of food, water and the environment; of the over-stressed lifestyle and stress with many duties and responsibilities. But perhaps also to the new roles of women, which are more male roles, leading, associated with more competition, aggression, which are unnatural for women and create an imbalance in her. Sexuality, menstruation, pregnancy become a problem for many women who reject their feminine nature, which is more vulnerable, compassionate, forgiving, in order to survive and be strong, successful and accepted as equals by men. At the same time, many women in leadership positions lose touch with the feminine energy and visually appear more masculine and display more masculine qualities, but even successful, they do not always feel in their place and feel satisfied. What are some of the fears and blockages that prevent us from expressing our feminine essence, what are the beliefs that cause us to suppress the vulnerable part of ourselves and that prevent us from regaining balance so that we experience joy and satisfaction in our lives: No I am good enough – constantly proving and fighting for achievements and seeking more and more! To meet the expectations – of parents, relatives, partner! Perfectionism – that’s how things are done! Big ambitions – achieved is never enough! If I express my emotions, if I show weakness, they won’t take me seriously! Fear of injury! What are the roles of women and how to balance them? More and more women suffocate in their desire to be perfect mothers, housewives, a good partner, successful in their careers. All these high demands create feelings of guilt and feelings of incompetence and failure if we don’t have it all together and if we don’t do well in a role. NEWS_MORE_BOX Stress, lifestyle, uncertainty and fears about the future contribute to the fact that more and more women and couples have reproductive problems, which leads to feelings of powerlessness, failure, loss of meaning in life. Dear girls, let’s be kind to ourselves! Do not wait for external recognition and appreciation, but love and spare yourself. Don’t be too hard on yourself in your desire for perfection and high standards. Be patient that things in your life happen at their pace and there is no need for violence and excessive expectations. Be grateful for what you have achieved and if you are too busy in everyday life and tired, ask for help, divide the tasks, you don’t have to do everything yourself. Be the new type of leader – the female type of leadership, which is leading by example, through support, inspiration, openness, connection and trust. There are different women I meet in my consultations and all kinds of combinations of them that are out of balance: 1.The over-ambitious: has high demands on herself and others. She is constantly chasing various goals and is never satisfied with what she has achieved or immediately moves on to the next goal. He may have great ambitions for his children and expect high achievements from them in school, sports, art. 2. The perfectionist: wants everything to be perfect and wastes a lot of time tinkering with details, so she gets exhausted and exhausted. She does everything herself to be sure that it will be well done according to her criteria. Perfectionism can manifest itself in different roles – at work or in the family. 3. The controlling: she finds it difficult to trust life and other people and wants everything to be according to her plan and according to her expectations. She doesn’t let things happen easily as she wants her to control everything and everyone. 4. The independent: loves freedom and independence, has masculine qualities, may be in a leadership position. She may have problems with her femininity, sexuality, she may be indifferent to her partner and children. 5. The Dependent: gentle, soft, weepy, dependent on your partner or parents, indecisive. She has a fear of abandonment and being alone. He achieves his goals through manipulation and crying. 6. The wounded: experienced love disappointment, trauma, loss and could not overcome it. She built a wall around herself so she wouldn’t be hurt again. Feels anguish and deep sadness, may be depressed or hysterical. 7. The exhausted mother and housewife: devoted to children and family, but too exhausted and apathetic from constant care for them. It can go to extremes – from irritation, crying to complete apathy and indifference. The environment is making us sick! The environment we live in, the food and water we drink contain hormones and estrogen-like substances – xenobiotics that create hormonal imbalance, estrogen dominance and a decrease in progesterone. Elevated estrogen leads to more inflammatory processes, tumor growths and estrogen-dependent diseases. Choose clean, organic, seasonal food for your family, fresh spring water, avoid plastic and cosmetics. Choose natural furniture and fabrics in your home and surroundings. Avoid toxic cleaning products and use essential oils, natural oils and organic cosmetics to reduce the toxins you take in daily.She doesn’t let things happen easily as she wants her to control everything and everyone. 4. The independent: loves freedom and independence, has masculine qualities, may be in a leadership position. She may have problems with her femininity, sexuality, she may be indifferent to her partner and children. 5. The Dependent: gentle, soft, weepy, dependent on your partner or parents, indecisive. She has a fear of abandonment and being alone. He achieves his goals through manipulation and crying. 6. The wounded: experienced love disappointment, trauma, loss and could not overcome it. She built a wall around herself so she wouldn’t be hurt again. Feels anguish and deep sadness, may be depressed or hysterical. 7. The exhausted mother and housewife: devoted to children and family, but too exhausted and apathetic from constant care for them. It can go to extremes – from irritation, crying to complete apathy and indifference. The environment is making us sick! The environment we live in, the food and water we drink contain hormones and estrogen-like substances – xenobiotics that create hormonal imbalance, estrogen dominance and a decrease in progesterone. Elevated estrogen leads to more inflammatory processes, tumor growths and estrogen-dependent diseases. Choose clean, organic, seasonal food for your family, fresh spring water, avoid plastic and cosmetics. Choose natural furniture and fabrics in your home and surroundings. Avoid toxic cleaning products and use essential oils, natural oils and organic cosmetics to reduce the toxins you take in daily.She doesn’t let things happen easily as she wants her to control everything and everyone. 4. The independent: loves freedom and independence, has masculine qualities, may be in a leadership position. She may have problems with her femininity, sexuality, she may be indifferent to her partner and children. 5. The Dependent: gentle, soft, weepy, dependent on your partner or parents, indecisive. She has a fear of abandonment and being alone. He achieves his goals through manipulation and crying. 6. The wounded: experienced love disappointment, trauma, loss and could not overcome it. She built a wall around herself so she wouldn’t be hurt again. Feels anguish and deep sadness, may be depressed or hysterical. 7. The exhausted mother and housewife: devoted to children and family, but too exhausted and apathetic from constant care for them. It can go to extremes – from irritation, crying to complete apathy and indifference. The environment is making us sick! The environment we live in, the food and water we drink contain hormones and estrogen-like substances – xenobiotics that create hormonal imbalance, estrogen dominance and a decrease in progesterone. Elevated estrogen leads to more inflammatory processes, tumor growths and estrogen-dependent diseases. Choose clean, organic, seasonal food for your family, fresh spring water, avoid plastic and cosmetics. Choose natural furniture and fabrics in your home and surroundings. Avoid toxic cleaning products and use essential oils, natural oils and organic cosmetics to reduce the toxins you take in daily.Choose natural furniture and fabrics in your home and surroundings. Avoid toxic cleaning products and use essential oils, natural oils and organic cosmetics to reduce the toxins you take in daily.Choose natural furniture and fabrics in your home and surroundings. Avoid toxic cleaning products and use essential oils, natural oils and organic cosmetics to reduce the toxins you take in daily.

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