Why should we avoid sex in water?

Why should we avoid sex in water?

Hey there, water lovers! Let’s talk about getting frisky in the sea. It might seem like a dreamy idea, but there are some serious facts you need to know before you dive in.

First off, seawater is teeming with bacteria. Yeah, it’s not just about the salty sting – these little guys can wreak havoc on your nether regions. For the ladies, vaginal infections could be lurking in those waves, and trust me, they’re no picnic. It can take days, even weeks, to get rid of the discomfort, and full recovery? That could take even longer.

Now, you might think freshwater is a safer bet, right? Not so fast. Even though it’s cleaner and less salty, there’s usually chlorine lurking around, especially in pools. That stuff can mess with your vaginal pH balance, paving the way for nasty yeast infections.

Bath sex might seem like a steamy option, but let’s get real here. Unless you’re luxuriating in a jacuzzi, those tubs can be cramped and, well, dry. Plus, all that soapy foam? It might sound romantic, but it can be a real buzzkill for sensitive skin.

And let’s not forget about shower sex. Sure, it’s hot in the movies, but in reality, it’s not as easy as it looks. There’s only so much room to maneuver, and if you’re not careful, you might end up swallowing a mouthful of water. Not exactly sexy, right?

Oh, and one more thing – if you’re getting down and dirty underwater, don’t forget the condoms. They’re not just for pregnancy prevention; they’ll also protect you from STDs floating around in the water.

So, if you’re still itching for some aquatic action, just remember to stay safe and keep these tips in mind.

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