Yoga during menstruation

Yoga during menstruation

Yoga is a wonderful means of maintaining health and harmony in everyday life. Practicing yoga is a ritual that helps us connect with our body, mind and spirit. However, when it comes to yoga during periods, we women question whether it is safe and effective to practice it. The menstrual cycle is a natural process of the female body that can bring different sensations and changes. Many women are more sensitive and feel pain during their periods. It is important to pay special attention to the way yoga is practiced. For many women, yoga during menstruation can be a beneficial practice that helps them relax, relieve discomfort, and maintain their body’s health. Important conditions for performing yoga during this period are: 1. If too much discomfort or pain is felt during the cycle, one should rest fully during the first days of the period. Certain positions and movements that are comfortable during the rest of the month may be more uncomfortable during your cycle. 2. Certain yoga exercises can be especially helpful during periods. For example, poses that promote circulation in the pelvis and abdomen can help relieve pain and discomfort. Poses focusing on breathing and relaxation can also be particularly beneficial. Here are two of them: Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) Lie on your stomach with your legs extended. The palms are placed next to the chest and the elbows next to the body. The arms and toes are extended as the breath is taken, and the head slowly rises from the floor. Hold for about 30 seconds in this position, then exhale and the body relaxes. Cat pose (Marjaryasana) Here, the hands are perpendicular to the floor and the knees are hip-width apart. Inhaling, move the tailbone up, and exhaling, the spine rises and the chin bends towards the chest. The exercise can be repeated several times. 3. Yoga is also a spiritual path that helps us connect with our environment. During the cycle, when we are more sensitive and vulnerable, a greater need for emotional support may be found. What works for one woman may not work for another. It is important to take your time and find a yoga practice that is appropriate and conducive to your particular cycle needs and sensations. Sources: 1. 2. -yoga-inversions-during-menstruation/ 3.

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