You have sex more often – you earn more money

You have sex more often – you earn more money

It sounds logical that those who have sex more often enjoy life and good health more. But a recent finding by a team at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK, seems unexpected – people who have sex four or more times a week earn more money. We know that money brings a certain amount of freedom and thus opportunities to feel happier, but according to study leader Nick Drydekis, happiness also seems to attract the priceless pieces of paper in our wallets. At first glance, this conclusion may be considered superficial, but the fact that the scientist in question is an economist and his work was published in July by the Institute for Labor Research in Germany only tips the scales in the other direction. People feel the need to be loved and to love. Otherwise, they suffer from loneliness, in which they more often develop anxiety, fall into depressions, which inevitably reflects on their behavior at their workplace and, as a consequence, on their financial situation, says Nick Drydekis. His desire to investigate the relationship between sex and material well-being was prompted by the results of other studies, in which it is clear that sexually active people are more energetic, sociable, social and sometimes in better health. A connection between a sexually active life and a high salary is not made for the first time. Such is derived from a Brazilian study 4 years ago. In fact, such data only confirm a truth long stated by psychologists. According to Maslow’s theory, a person has several basic needs – the lowest being the needs of food, water and sex. Until these are satisfied, he is unable to pursue any other goals. Drydekis’ study included 7,500 people aged between 26 and 50 living in Greece. Both their health status and sexual activity, as well as their employment and salary were documented. When analyzing the data, it turns out that people who have sex six or more times a week earn 5% more money than those who abstain. NEWS_MORE_BOX However, this is not the only conclusion. Those who indulge more often in intimate caresses are much less likely to suffer from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and arthritis. Illnesses, it is clear, affect the ability to work and hence also the financial situation. This conclusion remains true even after taking into account factors such as level of education, type of profession, sexual orientation. It is not yet clear why sexually active people earn more. It is an old truism that well-being makes one a desirable partner. Another assumption is that the more affluent can afford to buy gifts that predispose them to giving… Of course, sex alone cannot bring enrichment. The study only registered the relationship between high sexual activity and solvency. Sexual activity is a part of a healthy lifestyle, just like healthy eating, commented Drydekis on the results of his study.According to him, sexual health education should become a public policy, since sex has a significant contribution to people’s health and self-esteem.

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